Periods for Periods


Periods for Periods

Periods for Periods


Awards & Recongnition

Strategy Magazine Design Campaign of the Year
Applied arts Pro Bono Digital Advertising
Applied arts PSA/Charity Digital Advertising Series
Applied arts Typography Series
Applied arts Shoe-String Budget Integrated Campaign

Periods for Periods is the first font made entirely out of periods, created to help protest period poverty. We teamed up with over 140 international designers from around the world to bring this font to life.

We also created, a website that not only housed the font, but also helped people take action. People could download the font, create their own, and even auto-tweet the periods to their local education officials as protest.

With COVID-19 interrupting supply chains and making period poverty worse, this was the perfect time to take action, drive conversation, and put pressure on officials to finally do what’s right.

Art Director/Designer: Ashley Visvanathan
CD: Hans Thiessen
Animator: Leigh O’Neil

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